
We make history fun for all ages!

The Jefferson County History Center showcases many unique exhibits depicting the history of Jefferson County and the surrounding areas. Exhibits are changed periodically to provide new experiences for visitors. We invite you to come explore the Jefferson County of yesterday and the unique history of some of your own personal interests. In fact, you may find more in common than expected. Our exhibits include model trains, the first four-wheel drive vehicle, first international flight, early technology, dinosaurs, military, medical, and so much more. We make history fun for all ages!

Featured Exhibit - 2025

Every Quilt Tells a Story

In 2025, our Grand Hall Gallery will exhibit a collection of quilts ranging from as early as 1896 to as late as 2001. All locally quilted, each one acts as a canvas to tell the story of those who made them. 

The “Wedding Ring” quilt, made by Betty Fike Yeager, will be raffled off in June during the Laurel Festival.

See Raffle Details…

Artifact of the Month

Quilted Pillow Cover, circa 1934The names of Hazen women are embroidered on this pillow cover.  Hazen was previously known as Maysville, after John Mays.

The Maysville Church was established 1870. The name change to Hazen occurred in 1882. The 1874 embroidered date may relate to a women’s church group.  At the Summerville Church, a missionary group formed in 1874. It is possible other churches such as Hazen  formed such a group at this time.

The Heart embroidered “Annie Kirk” is made from a remnant of a signature quilt.

Needle Case: This small fabric case  is called an e-tui (pronounced e-twē)  in French.

Do you know what The Quilted “Ball” was actually used for?

New Exhibits

Landmarks of Legacy

Explore the historical markers that capture the stories of people, places, events, and innovations that have affected the lives of Pennsylvanians over the centuries. This exhibit features 10 Jefferson County historical markers that can be viewed along roadways and within the towns and villages of the county.

Lumber Heritage

The Lumber Heritage exhibit features the logging history of Jefferson County in the early 1800s. Discover the men who worked the forests, the tools they used and how they transported timber by rafts and the first logging railroad utilizing a steam-powered engine.

Bunk Sled

Located across from the Twyford exhibit, sleds like this one from the Brookville Manufacturing Company were often used for transportation and hauling materials in the wintertime. The name “Reitz” is on the side, and was likely used by the Reitz Furniture Store to deliver furniture.


Abbie Neal

Abbie Neal rose up from Baxter, Pennsylvania, to become a country and western music star entertaining audiences around the world for more than 50 years. The Abbie Neal exhibit celebrates her life and career, showcasing photos, posters announcing her shows and one of Ms. Neal’s on-stage costumes.


Adda Edelblute Pearsall Parlor

Take a step back in time to the JCHC’s recreation of a Victorian Parlor decorated with original artifacts, musical instruments, and original portraits and paintings dating from 1860 to 1910. The parlor is adorned with the original wallpaper and fireplace.

"Bob" the Wildcat Mascot
Our Artifact of the Month exhibit features “Bob”, the mascot of company E of the 105th PA Volunteer Infantry Wildcat Regiment.

Stop by the History Center for a close-up look at this and the many other exhibits.

KidSpace Gallery

You don’t have to travel outside of Brookville to get in on the newly revived “Op Art” – or Optical Illusion – craze which emerged in the early 1960s. We’ve redeisgned the KidSpace Gallery to showcase a variety interactive displays that will “trick the eye” and “boggle the mind.”


Bowdish Model Railroad

One of our more popular exhibits, located on the 2nd floor: A miniature railroad and village animations display portraying buildings and attractions throughout Jefferson County. Between 1919 and 1955, thousands visited Brookville to see a Christmas train display at the home of Charles Bowdish. He then moved his work to the Buhl Planetarium in Pittsburgh and finally to the Carnegie Science Center, where the exhibit remains today. We are fortunate to have many of Bowdish’s original pieces viewable year-round at the history center, along with replicas of his buildings, animated figures and scenery created by volunteers over the past 20 years. The entire scene operates on the last Saturday of every month with volunteers nearby to answer any questions.


Living on the Land

On the first floor, Living on the Land includes eight exhibit sections and four replicated “rooms” that feature a variety of important artifacts, implements and modes of transportation to tell the varied and evolving stories of our ancestors and how they lived, worked, and played. We invite you to step back in time to explore how people in Jefferson County have used this land since the arrival of the earliest Native American inhabitants. Additional exhibits include First People: Native American Lifeways, The Settlers’ Lot, Clear-cuts & Conservation, Working the Fields, The Doctor’s Bag, Buried Treasure, Business & Industry, and Into the Woods.

Maps of Jefferson County

Located on the landing of the Main Hallway of the first floor. This exhibit showcases maps of Jefferson County from the 1800s including a bird’s eye view of Brookville, townships within county lines, depiction of old and new boroughs of Brookville, and early settlement of Port Barnett. The exhibit also contains original clock hands from the Jefferson County Courthouse.

Stones and Bones

An award-winning two-gallery exhibit located on the 2nd floor featuring Paleontology (animal and plant fossils) and the Ice Age of Western Pennsylvania. In other words, see a life-sized Woolly Mammoth skull with tusks, prehistoric footprints, fossils, Mastodon tooth, dimetrodon skeleton, and so much more!

Twyford: First Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle

In 1904, a car that could handle snow, mud, and hills was designed and built right here in Brookville, PA at the Twyford Motor Company. The two-seated roadster cost about $1,000, which could not compete with Henry Ford’s Model T at $250. With a lack of buyers, Twyford went out of business after assembling only five or six roadsters.

Read more about the Twyford on the PA Great Outdoors’ Blog.

Brookville Wagon

Located on the first floor, adjacent to the Living on the Land exhibit. The Brookville Manufacturing Company produced farm wagons and other items from 1892 until 1918. This wagon was generously donated to the Jefferson County History Center in 2017 in fantastic condition with original wheels and factory paint.


David L. Leach Rhodendron Garden

The garden was constructed in 2012 near the rear entrance of the History Center on Main Street. In 2023, the plants were relocated to the Parker Archives where they will have ample space to grow and showcase their colorful blooms each spring.

Dr. David L. Leach, a resident of Brookville, was an eminent horticulturalist and a world authority on Rhododendrons; known for his development of over 85 varieties of hardy hybrids for the gardening public.

Dr. Leach’s son, Brian, along with JCHC staff and volunteers brainstormed the idea of a Rhododendron Garden Exhibit memorializing his father’s passion with plants from the original specialty hybrids. The garden is best viewed in May and June when the plants are in full bloom.

Consider making a donation to support our new exhibits: