Meet the Team

The strength and dedication of the board members, the staff, and irreplaceable volunteers has directly contributed to the success of the Jefferson County History Center. With diverse backgrounds in a variety of fields, we collectively work together to increase the efforts of engaging people with the county’s history.


Kenneth Burkett, Ex-Officio Director/Staff Volunteer & Board Member  kburkett-j[email protected]t

Kat Lyons, Operations Director | Grants  [email protected]

Jack Neale, Genealogy Research [email protected]  

Fay Williams,  JCHC Museum Gift Shop Manager

PathStones Program

Mike Benigni, Gift Shop, Projects

Cyndie Morrison, Collections Assistant   [email protected]

Linda Heriger-Smith, Collections Assistant   [email protected]

Board of Directors

 Larry Anthony, President

Colleen Cooney , Vice-President

Deb Searles, Secretary

Ken Burkett, Treasurer

Krissy Keys*

Jill McLaughlin

Denise Messer

Amy Salsgiver

Ron Shrewsbury

Walter Skrzypek

Greg Snyder

David Taylor



Emma Ankeny

Zach Ankeny

Eric Armstrong

Carole Briggs

Jack Burkett

Tim Cooney

Jade Egelhoff

Dan Palmer

Austin Fields

Wayne Kocher

Dale Krysinski

Susie Krysinski

Bill McCracken

Fay Noonan

Jo Schrecongost

Art Schrecongost

Eric Shugarts

Victor Stahlman

Mike Tattersall